I have the pleasure to present the English edition of my book «Models for Network Organizations. The Flexible Design of 21st Century Companies» with foreword by Dr. Stephen R. Covey, adding to the prologue D. Pedro Luis Uriarte in the Spanish edition.

«Pedro Pablo is shedding new light on how organizations can transform themselves and adapt to the Knowledge Worker Age”. Dr. Stephen R. Covey, best seller author of «The Seven Habits of Highly Efective People».

«Network science has undergone an revolution in the past decade, fundamentally changing they way we think about complex systems. Pedro Pablo Ramos is now bringing this body of knowledge to an area where it will likely have a huge impact: organizations. The biggest asset of any company is the ability of its workforce to interact with each other– making the network a key component of the equation. The book gives you the network based paradigm to bring organizations into the 21th century”. Albert-László Barabási, author of “Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means” Ed. Pearson.

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